Put the snails in the freezer to allow them a peaceful passage.
Then soak them overnight in water with salt and vinegar.
Rinse them thoroughly and simmer for half an hour.
Pick them from their shells and cut off the darker coloured back part.
Fill a pot with a bottle of white wine, a glass of water, a handful of herbes de provence, an onion with a couple of cloves stuck in it, a few carrots and salt and pepper.
Leave the snails to simmer slowly with the lid on the pan.
Stir frequently, keep checking that they don't soften too much.
Put the snails in a sieve and rinse them under running water. |
In a bowl, mix a finely chopped shallot with two crushed cloves of garlic and some chopped parsley. Mash up soft butter and mix it in. Maybe add a drop of wine or, instead of salt, some finely chopped anchovies.
Stuff every shell with a bit of this butter/herb mix, push the snails back inside and board up their doors with a slathering of the butter mix.
Arrange the snails in an ovenproof dish and put them in the middle of the oven at 200 degrees. Heat them up until the butter starts to foam (about 8 minutes).
Enjoy with crusty baguette, good friends and a bottle (or more) of delicious red wine.
